
You're on the right track with your locations.  As you've discovered, the
city-county-state-country format doesn't necessarily work outside the US.
The farm name is very important for Norwegian locations so I would stick
with what you have.  Others on the list are much more qualified to speak to
English locations.  I think you just need to recognize that you may have
different formats for different countries and try to be consistent from
country to country.

For early American locations you first need to decide on a cutoff date.  I
use 4 Jul 1776 because it's so recognizable but it's probably historically
incorrect.  (Simply declaring independence didn't make it a fact.)
Nevertheless, for US locations prior to 1776 or whatever date, you can use
city, county, and province.  You'll have to decide whether you want to use
the placeholder commas or not.  I think the most convenient way to find
official names of provinces is Wikipedia but be aware that even these
changed over time.  An alternate that some use is to put "British North
America"  or "BNA" in the country position, although this is really not a
country name.  The abbreviation can be confusing, and the full term gets
tedious to read in reports while I think that most readers would recognize
where Massachusetts Bay Colony was without the BNA designation (although our
Australian friends may disagree).

Just some things to think about.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Michelle
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 8:58 PM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Locations

Hi group,
Just a lurker here who has gained a lot of information on how to best
utilize Legacy.  In fact, at work I tell people to go to the web site and
check it instead of buying another program- I
Work for a large retail store that provides software etc. However, being a
totally "nut" case with family history/genealogy- I must point customers to
the best program - in the long
Run they will be happy and return to buy a computer from me J I found out
that I had entered places incorrect- now I enter them City,County,State,
Here is my questions:  1. How should I enter State and Country prior to the
United States being formed?
                                              2.  How should I enter those
family members from another Country  IE  I have ancestors from Norway-
                                                   They were located on
Hanes Farm, Solumn Parish, Telemark, Norway-  is this the correct way to
enter it?
                                                   How should I enter those
from England?
I am trying to clean up my data base prior to receiving the download
instructions for my upgrade from V. 6 to V. 7-

BTW  if you all love Virtual Earth from Microsoft-  check out Google maps-
some of the large cities in the US have been photographed-  enter the
address street city and state- it will
Take you to the house and you can actually view it- so if you are lucky and
your ancestor's home is still there, you can see it- it gives you an idea of
the house that they lived in

Thanks for your help
Shelly Crosby

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