Barrie Smart wrote
My mother married again; I'd appreciate any advice on how to show this in Legacy 6 (soon to be L7 hopefully!), in Family View. AKAIK, only one marriage reference can be shown on this view - correct? If so, how does one handle a 2nd marriage, and how do I show it in outputs I might make?

Yes, you can only see one spouse at a time in Family View, but it is easy to switch from one to the other. The first icon on the left below each individual in Family View is "Spouse" and if you click on that you have the options to add a new spouse, select which one you want to view now and which one is the "preferred" spouse and will therefore show up automatically in FV.

How the second husband will show up in reports very much depends which report you have chosen. If you print a Descendent report for one of your mother's ancestors, bother her spouses will be included. If you print an Ancestor report for yourself or one of your children, your stepfather will not be shown because he is not an Ancestor.

If this does not answer for you, please ask again with a little more detail about exactly what is the problem you have.
Jenny M Benson

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