This message is important to read only if you at any time installed the
pre-release edition of Legacy Charting AND you installed Legacy 7.

Important Update Instructions:

As you may know, Legacy Charting's Pre-Release Edition will expire on June
15, 2008. When you installed Legacy 7.0 Deluxe edition, Legacy was supposed
to "override" the Pre-Release edition of Legacy Charting with the Deluxe
edition of Legacy Charting. didn't. We've identified the small
glitch and have corrected it.

Therefore, if you installed both the Pre-Release Edition of Legacy Charting
AND you installed Legacy 7.0 Deluxe Edition, you will need to download a
special update.

Before June 15

If you do this before June 15, all you need to do is open Legacy Charting,
click on the Tips & Updates tab, and click on the button in the Updates
section to download and install the new update.

June 15 or after

If you do this on or after June 15, when you try to run Legacy Charting, you
will receive a message that directs you to the Legacy Charting website.
There you will find a link to download the update. Or, just click here to
download and install the update.

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