Dear Legacy Users:

I recently got the CDs including training videos for Leg7.

Yesterday I watched the one that includes directions for locations/places.
I hadn't been doing them right at all.

So I started with my Master Location List.

I'm sorry to write such a long letter with so many questions but they're all so inter-related, I couldn't see a good way to break it up.

These are some problems I encountered right off the bat:

#1: I hadn't been following the four fields consistently: Town, county, state, country. For one thing in Virginia, since the 1929 constitution, if you live in a 1st-class city you do NOT live in a county -- e.g., Roanoke City is not in Roanoke County, they are totally separate jurisdictions. So in those cases there are only 3 fields. So I think in that case I just need to enter them as follows:
, City of Roanoke, VA, USA.
Salem, Roanoke County, VA, USA (which violates the rule to omit the word county when you specify a town). Agree?

#2: In the past, I haven't been entering the country at all since all my ancestral lines came to this country before the Revolution and I have very little info on the families while they were still in the Germanies, British isles -- and nobody came from anywhere else. Since we are supposed to enter location names as they WERE at the time, this creates a whole bunch of problems for me. Obviously I can't enter USA as a country until 1776 or so. And I don't know how to find the official names of the communities, provinces, etc., in the Germanies/Holland. For the ones who came from the British isles, I either don't even know where they were born or again don't know how to find the proper terminology. I think the Brits all came in the 1600s.

Is there any way to add "USA" at one fell swoop to all locations with a post-1776 date?

#3: For European locations, can one add a comma where one would ordinarily put a country/nation-- i.e., in the last field?

#4: When I am going to change a location in the Master Location List and I click to show a list of everyone who will be affected by the change, how do I print the list? I don't see a way to do that except to take a screenshot and print that out. (To explain why I need this> E.g., I have had some entries that read Haymakertown, Fincastle PO, Amsterdam Twp., Botetourt Co., VA. This info from mid-19th century census returns. SO-O-O if I'm to put the "address" under the + sign I can make the change in the Master Location List to the recommended standard, I'll change the MLL entry to Amsterdam, Botetourt, VA, USA. BUT then I have to edit each individual to add "street address if given, Haymakertown, Fincastle PO" as the address. HOWEVER, if the entry is for the marriage field or an event field there isn't a + SIGN to enter the address under!! So in that case do you add it in the note field for the event?

#5: Another problem -- if I have already made the change from the MLL, i find it difficult to know which events I should add the specific address to. Any suggestions?

#6: An additional problem, I can go from the list of affected individuals to their main info screens, but I do not see a way to get into their marriage info from the affected individuals list -- am I right about this?

#7: Why isn't there a + SIGN for EVERY location?

#8: An additional problem. Virginia didn't HAVE townships before 1869 or after 1900. They were instituted during Reconstruction when "carpetbaggers" and "scalawags" wrote the state constitution and tried to remake Virginia in the image of New England. So before 1869 and after 1900 I need to enter the location info as Haymakertown, Botetourt, VA, USA. Haymakertown is ca 6.5 miles from Fincastle, the county seat, and about the same distance from the VILLAGE of Amsterdam, which is different from Amsterdam Twp., which covered about 1/3 Botetourt County. To me it's important to distinguish among the three, especially because culturally the three were very different. Fincastle was settled by English and Scots-Irish, often slaveholders, whereas the village of Amsterdam was settled by Pennsylvanians of German and Dutch (from Holland) ancestry, mostly "plain people" -- primarily pacifist Dunkards/Tunkers who opposed slaveholding -- the two cultures were very different and to this day there is very little intermarriage between the two groups. Haymakertown is a country/farming hamlet not strongly identified with either group (to my mind at least).

It seems to me the best way to handle this is to list all of the locations, regardless of time period as "Haymakertown, Botetourt, VA, USA" and then under the + sign say in the notes "Haymakertown was served by the Fincastle P.O. and was in the township of Amsterdam between 1869 and 1901." I don't know how this would print out in a report. Any comments? #9: When I click on a + sign to add the address, the window at the top in the blue bar says "Birth Address: Jane Doe [RIN]."
Then the 1st field to fill in says "Name"
2nd field : Sort string"
3rd: Address
4th: City [no space for county]
5th: State/Prov    Postal Code

What is the purpose of the "Name" field? Is it the name of the individual? Since the name of the individual is already give, why repeat it? Does "sort string" refer to the name of the individual or to the address? (I tried to look this up in Help but there were ca 30 topics under address.)

Thanks so much for any help!!


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