Larry Binenbaum wrote
I have just downloaded Legacy 7.0 Family Tree Standard Edition.


One of my male relatives has been married twice.


First wife ? Married, had two children and divorced.

Second wife ? Married, no children, still married.

I presume you know how to add your relative and his first wife and children. Note that on the Marriage Information screen there is a drop-down list for Status where you can select Divorced.

In Family View, on the row of icons under the husband's name click on the first icon from the left and select Add New Wife on the next screen. Then click Add a New Person on the next screen.

When you have entered both wives, in the Wives of ... screen you can select which wife is to be the Preferred one. This will be the one who you want to have appear automatically when you have the husband in Family View. From Family View you can always get to the other wife again by clicking the same icon for Wives of ..., selecting the other wife and clicking on Select.

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Jenny M Benson

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