First of all, to Support, thanks for updating the web site and allowing me to get a first look at the English and Welsh Source templates.

Secondly. How is the Filtering of the Source Template Index supposed to work in conjunction with the search capabilities. I can readily see that if the Filter checkbox is not selected, then F3 and and Shift-F3 can be used to move down and back up the list of templates, matching the entered search terms.

But, when from Step 1, I enter more than 1 keyword to search on (for example England Birth) and then select the Filter checkbox, the list of templates shown begins with Census records, which is *not* what I was originally after. Indeed, your examples in the Help don't work quite as indicated either.

Also, when the Filter checkbox is selected, the F3 and Shift-F3 navigation keys don't work at all.

Mike Fry

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