I definitely have some sort of sourcing problem going. I would love to know
if anyone else if having a similar problem.


I am doing some editing on an individual named John Lawson Clark. I  earlier
noted that for some reason the 1900 census of his son John C. Clark had
attached itself to every event for John Lawson Clark. I weeded all of those
instances out for John Lawson Clark. I also replaced some of the John Lawson
Clark census entries with newer sources, written with the Source Writer.
When viewed in the Assigned Sources window for John Lawson Clark, all of
these sources appear to be in order and proper.


However, when I run a chronology report or an individual report for John
Lawson Clark, some sources for John C. Clark appear appended to the reports.
These sources do NOT appear in the Assigned sources window, but appear
consistently in the report sources.


Can anyone shed any light on what is happening here? I am working in Legacy
7.0. I have backed up the file and run a check/repair. The erroneous sources
continue to appear in reports.


Janis Walker Gilmore


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