TK, no one has a problem with discussions about recording GPS coordinates in
Legacy.  That's the purpose of the list.   But when it goes farther than
Legacy and starts doing such things as reviews of GPS units that it's
clearly drifted off topic.    Let's all remember that this isn't a general
genealogy list.   It's a Legacy support list.  Please read the list rules
(as the Legacy staff has recommended many, many times).    I subscribe to
many genealogy lists, some for a geographic area, some for a surname etc.
Some of them are general genealogy lists and welcome anything to do with
genealogy.   I don't expect to be able to post anything I want on any of
those lists and just have the other subscribers endure.   I take my question
or comment to the appropriate list where it's on topic.


It isn't up to any of us, including yourself, to determine what we want to
be on topic even if you find it interesting.   And the solution isn't for
the disinterested to "just click on to the next topic and stop reading this
thread".     It's very clear in the list rules - Legacy and its add-ons
ONLY!   All we have to do is follow the rules and stop trying to make them
what we want them to be.  Having a little consideration for the other
subscribers would be a nice first step.




[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of TK Sand
Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2008 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] GPS for Individual Graves locations


Obviously a lot of us, including myself, are finding this thread not only
on-topic but also interesting and useful. Can't those of you who are
disinterested in using the space that Legacy created for recording GPS
coordinates (hopefully the best and most accurate they can be) just click on
to the next topic and stop reading this thread? Thank you to those who are
responding to the many questions about this subject!


On Sun, Aug 3, 2008 at 6:57 AM, Ron Bernier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


With all due respect, the Legacy Staff has not been doing a very good job
lately with monitoring this list.  That is why there have been more and more
off topic posts on this list.  And there seems to be more and more regulars
who suddenly seem to think that all of the off topic posts are perfectly

I have the distinct feeling that the Legacy Staff is giving up on monitoring
the list for off topic posts, non text format posts, etc.  It seems to me
that they are admitting defeat and instead of addressing the problems they
are remaining silent.

Ron Bernier

----- Start Original Message -----
Sent: Sun, 3 Aug 2008 14:35:41 +0100
From: ronald ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>

Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] GPS for Individual Graves locations

> Dave,
> And what has your email to do with Legacy and its add-ons? Legacy has its
own staff who keep an eye on this list. You are beginning to offend more
than the offenders!
> Ron Ferguson
> _____________________________________________________________________
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> _____________________________________________________________________
> ________________________________
> To:
> Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] GPS for Individual Graves locations
> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2008 09:05:35 -0400
> Syble, this is a list for the support of Legacy and its add-ons.
Reviews and recommendations of various gps units are off topic here.   I'm
sure there would be some who would be willing to offer suggestions offline
so everyone on the list doesn't have to read them all.   Or there are other
lists where it would be on topic.
> ________________________________
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Syble
> Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2008 8:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] GPS for Individual Graves locations
> I, too am wanting to enter the GPS for cemeteries/graves, as is very
common in the US, especially in rural cemeteries, there are no cemetery
offices or row and block numbers.  I appreciate the comments each of made on
this subject.  You mentioned an accurate GPS, I would appreciate suggestions
on a unit.  We have a few cemeteries that are small and in wooded areas, and
this would be very helpful for future researchers.
> Thanks,
> Syble Glasscock
> --- On Sun, 8/3/08, G Oliver  wrote:
> From: G Oliver
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] GPS for Individual Graves locations
> To:
> Date: Sunday, August 3, 2008, 12:05 AM
> John,
> I do something similar as I have many relatives in rural cemetery's in
> In the Burial Location I list the city (if there is one), County, State,
> In a Cemetery Event/Fact I list the Cemetery name, address and GPS
location of the Cemetery in the Event address. If I think there may be a
problem finding the cemetery I list the diving directions to the Cemetery.
> In the Cemetery Event/Fact notes for the person list the Actual GPS
location of the grave or group of graves. Graves within a 20-30 foot area
would have the same GPS location. This way the locations actually print on
> It's all well and good that we can zoom around on Virtual Earth and log
the GPS locations and addresses in Legacy but in my opinion the important
thing is to be able to print this information on reports to pass on to
family today and in the years to come. This is the reason I am purchased an
accurate GPS not just for graves but old home sites, the community center
where our family reunion was held for 50 years etc.
> On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 10:08 AM, John Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> In cemeteries with a simple rectangular format (such as an old church
> cemetery and most US military cemeteries), the row and plot numbers may be
> all you need.
> Some rural cemeteries in the US have no particular order and thus no
> row/plot designations.  For these locations I usually include driving
> directions and pictures within the cemetery as well as a GPS location (if
> I had a GPS when visiting that location).  Examples:
> There are many US cemeteries that try to project a "nicer" image with
> names on the order of "[cityname] Memorial Park".  These tend to have
> irregular areas within the larger overall space, each area with its own
> name.  They still use row/plot designations, but the rolling landscapes
> and curving roads sometimes make following a row difficult.
> My mother and maternal grandmother are buried in such a cemetery in
> Tennessee and each grave location is in the general Notes (I haven't yet
> entered locations for graves):
> , Garden of Time, 139a - 2 -  N35.06.690  W89.52.392  Near
> road.  Markers nearby: (left) Hill (Double) - (right) Graves (single -
> 2004)
> , Garden of Time, 320b - 2  - N35.06.679  W89.52.361  Near
> road, under tree.  Markers nearby (to right): Thompson (double) - Frank
> Anderton - Madge Anderton
> You cannot see either of these markers from the other location because of
> the terrain.  Doing a search for the two plots as someone who had never
> been to the site before took almost 30 minutes using the tiny map the
> cemetery provides to visitors.
> John
> >
> > I do not know about the rest of the world but in England graves do have
> > address eg "Plot 24/379" which gives the row and number, similar to
> > streets and house. In some cemeteries which I know the row number, at
> > least, is on the reverse of the grave stone. They can also be obtained
> > from the cemetery office.
> >
> >
> > Ron Ferguson
> _________________________________________________________________
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