
No apology needed for the delay. Problems here too. Thanks for the help. I
would have never thought about the Name Tags!! I've been playing around with
your suggestion and I think this will work, not only for my cemetery
reports, but for other reports also with a little extra tweaking of the
settings. And I like the fact that I can save it for future reports. Luckily
I am familiar with html code having done code years ago so I should be able
to "modify" some of my web pages. Again, thanks for taking the time to

Sheri Harris

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ronald
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2008 7:42 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Cemetery location report


My apologies for the delay in coming back to you. I have at long last got my
computers talking to each other again - but what a job! At least my main one
is now running about three times the speed it was, and no it wasn't a virus,
just 5 years of accumulated dead ends and other rubbish! At last I have time
to think.

Initially, I have been playing around with the Address Report, however I
cannot get this to work as I think it should. In particular I cannot get it
to show a picture, nor does it have the facility to customise the fields. I
cannot see the point of having a picture in the Address Screen if it cannot
be printed either. This may be me so I will have another look at it later.

However, Salvation is in the Name Tags and success or otherwise depends on
the detail in the location field for burial. This does have a customisable
(Ugh!) "What to print" tab and one can choose the burial fields and
Lat/Long. Furthermore, if you temporarily put the cemetry/gravestone pic. in
the individual's gallery (and starred) it will print.

Please try this and come back to me.

> I had also been adding copies of the death certificates, pictures, etc.,
> the buried "+" fields but have found they don't print or show up on the
> page creation Legacy does, again I could be doing something wrong.

In a nutshell, none of the vital record pictures will print/display on
website. As you know they can be included in an event and included that way.
Personally for websites, I code them myself and put them where I wish.
Similarly this can be done in Word or OpenOffice Writer for print.

(BTW please do not trim this post other than the Legacy bits at the end as I
have to keep referring back, I think the memory must be going :-) )

Ron Ferguson


Update your British Prime Ministers Timeline - Blogs
View the Grimshaw Family Tree at:
For The Fergusons of N.W. England See:

> To:
> Subject: [LegacyUG] Cemetery location report
> Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 22:16:15 -0400
> Ron,
> New subject heading. The other, well... Anyway, I'm working on a different
> computer right now (my main system is a little under the weather so to
> speak) and I don't have all my Legacy files switched over yet, but in the
> Burial field on the individual's information screen, I do have information
> there. I have the date of death in the death date field and the death
> location is listed as City, County, State, Country. In the buried section,
> have the date of burial, if known or at least an approximation of the
> date, and in the location field, have City, County, State, Country. I'm
> still experimenting on whether or not to put an address, plot, GPS, or
> whatever in addition to the City, County, State, Country in these location
> fields. I am thinking about doing that in my event location fields too.
> Back to the individual's information screen. In the buried section, if you
> click on the "+" icon, I do have the cemetery's address linked as a burial
> address, which has basic contact information, GPS coordinates of the
> cemetery itself, information on the cemetery, etc., the general "stuff"
> would apply to all located in the cemetery. From what I've been reading in
> some of the posts, this may not be how to use that entry. But this basic
> information has shown up on some of reports I've played around with and I
> have been able to run a report from that Event Address to list all the
> people associated with that entry.
> I had also been adding copies of the death certificates, pictures, etc.,
> the buried "+" fields but have found they don't print or show up on the
> page creation Legacy does, again I could be doing something wrong.
> So, I'm using the cemetery event to record pretty much the same
> that's in the buried fields, and putting as much individual grave site
> information as I can in the notes field along with pics of the graves,
> Sometimes the simplest things can be the most complicated! Again, thanks
> the help and let me know if there's anything else you need.
> Thanks!
> Sheri
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ronald
> ferguson
> Sent: Monday, August 04, 2008 4:41 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] GPS for Individual Graves locations
> Sheri,
> I'm still trying to work out an answer to this! It would help me if I knew
> whether you have anything in the Burial/Cremated and Death fields (both
> dates and places) in the Individual's Information Screen and if so what
> information you put there.
> The main problem lies in trying to link individuals to your Cemetery Event
> in a suitable way - if you see what I mean - and I'm not sure I do myself
> :-)
> Ron Ferguson
> _____________________________________________________________________
> Update your British Prime Ministers Timeline - Blogs
> View the Grimshaw Family Tree at:
> For The Fergusons of N.W. England See:
> _____________________________________________________________________
>> To:
>> Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] GPS for Individual Graves locations
>> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2008 12:24:51 -0400
>> Ron,
>> Thanks in advance for wanting to help me on this! The report I want is
>> fairly simple, at least in theory. I just need the name (married name of
>> married females), Birth/death date, Cemetery Name and the notes from the
>> cemetery event to print. I have created a cemetery event and am putting
> the
>> name of the cemetery in the description field, date of burial in the date
>> field, and then filled in the location field. Since I'm putting in some
>> detailed notes (GPS, section, description of the headstone, etc) in the
>> event's note field for each individual, I need that to print as well. I
>> have pictures of the headstones attached to the event and it would be
>> to have the option to print them with the report. In other words,
> something
>> simple that I could send to family members.
>> Here's what I did to get my report. I did a search and pulled up everyone
>> under a particular cemetery and then from that search list, under the
>> options, selected the married names. Then I went to run my "Event" report
>> and selected only those on the search list, it gives me most of what I
> need
>> for the report, however, it lists the married females twice, their maiden
>> name and married name, which is exactly what is on my search list, and I
>> didn't see the option to print pictures, or I missed it.
>> I tried printing a report from the search list, customizing it to show
>> cemetery, but it's not what I need. Again, the "Event" report seems to do
>> most of what I need.
>> When I try to tag individual people in my search list to narrow down only
>> the married names, I only have the option to tag all. I know I'm not
>> something right or I'm not using the right report/search. Or if Legacy 7
>> doesn't filter maiden names, what work arounds do you suggest?
>> Thanks again for the help!
>> Sheri
>> -----Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ronald
>> ferguson
>> Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2008 3:22 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] GPS for Individual Graves locations
>> Sheri,
>> Your second question is very much on topic! In version7 this is easy when
>> you have made your list of people (and if you do not know how to do this
>> please come back to us giving details of what you are looking for) you
>> should be on the Main List Screen - or if you are tagging manually then
> this
>> is the screen your require (View>Name List). Click on the Options button,
>> and at the top of the pop-up you will see "Include married names" - click
> it
>> then Print, selecting the options you require.
>> If you have version6, details on how to do this are given in the Blogs
>> section of my www. fergys website.
>> Ron Ferguson
>> _____________________________________________________________________
>> Update your British Prime Ministers Timeline - Blogs
>> View the Grimshaw Family Tree at:
>> For The Fergusons of N.W. England See:
>> _____________________________________________________________________
>>> To:
>>> Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] GPS for Individual Graves locations
>>> Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2008 23:38:55 -0400
>>> To all:
>>> Thanks to all of who posted replies on this topic. You all had some
> really
>>> good suggestions and I've been playing around with them to see how they
>>> would work for my situations. And again, being a beginner with both
> Legacy
>>> v7 and genealogy and GPS, and if I understand it correctly, there is no
>>> "standard" when it comes to GPS. So is there a universally used format
> for
>>> lat/long coordinates that I should use so anyone can plug them into
>>> GPS?
>>> And a second question that I hope is not off topic, but when I print out
> a
>>> location report for a particular cemetery, I'm only getting the maiden
>> name
>>> on my females. I have several situations in which the husband and wife
> are
>>> buried in different cemeteries. How do I get the report to print their
>>> married names?
>>> Thanks again for all the great help!
>>> Sheri Harris
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sheri
>>> Harris
>>> Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 11:12 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [LegacyUG] GPS for Individual Graves locations
>>> Being a beginner genealogist and learning Legacy (v7), I'm wondering how
>> to
>>> enter GPS coordinates for individual graves in a cemetery? I'm using the
>>> address icon, the little house icon, for the cemetery's main address but
>>> only has one field for lat/long coordinates, and I'm also entering the
>>> address in the location field, for example in the cemetery event;
>>> Description: Greenwood Cemetery, Date: Date of burial and the Location:
>>> Chattanooga 1954 Greenwood Rd, Hamilton, Tennessee, USA. I'm using the
>> event
>>> address (the little house icon again) mostly for correspondence reasons
>>> since I can put in telephone numbers, e-mail, etc. I have several
>> cemeteries
>>> that are quite large and my relatives are spread out all over. It just
>>> doesn't seem logical to enter a new location for each individual grave
>> i.e.,
>>> Chattanooga - lat/long coord, Hamilton, Tennessee, USA. I'm also wanting
>> to
>>> do this with some other locations that don't have or aren't associated
>> with
>>> a particular address. Right now I'm putting the information in the event
>>> notes field along with a short description of the marker, and on a
>>> spreadsheet. I would like to have a report that would print out the
>>> individuals in the cemetery and the coordinates. I thought about
>> a
>>> new event just for the coordinates, would that work or is there another
>> way?
>>> Thanks for the help!
>>> Sheri Harris

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