Elizabeth -

The problem with a couple of these counties is that I can't tell you with any certainty what ED or what Page they are on - which is why I have chosen to separate out the ancestry censuses. I can tell you in some of these counties that the ED and page number ancestry sources for what they show me is wrong. And when the tops of the pages are missing on some images - it's almost impossible.

Hopefully with the new contract between familysearch and ancestry many of those types of mistakes will be eliminated but until they are - I've chosen to pull out the ancestry citations and put them under their own master source. I don't do it for many things - most times you would call me a lumper.

One thing I do appreciate about Legacy though is the ability to tailor it for problems we may find within our own genealogies - and also for the ability to source things down to whatever detail we believe we need so the next generation can find things just a bit easier than we did.


Elizabeth Richardson wrote:
Jackie, I have hundreds of images from Ancestry, quite a few from Heritage, and even some paper copies from the FHL and NARA. The images from Ancestry, Heritage and the FHL are duplicates of the NARA films. Sometimes that transfer to digital wasn't as good as we might want, but it's still the NARA film. I agree that a person might need to be creative in actually locating the census image via the Ancestry index. But if you told me I could find a particular family in a specific county & state, a specific ED and page, why would I use the Ancestry index to find that family on that census? I don't even care that the census taker spelled the family's name incorrectly - you've told me where to find it! What we are sourcing is the census - images of the original. Making sure to include the repository might make a difference if you were citing a rare book that might be available in only a few libraries. Another researcher could save hours of research time for your having been so kind. That is simply not the case with the US federal census images.

researching the descendants of William and Sarah (Patterson) Thompson

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jackie King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Unfortunately, because some of the images are attached to the wrong names on the index - and some have cut off tops, it is sometimes impossible to tell what image you have - and what roll it came from. You aren't certain that the numbers ancestry is giving you are actually the correct ones. Hence, I go the extra mile so that someone can indeed find it if they are using the ancestry index or if the aren't and can't find it - they have a clue as to why.

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