It's hard to know what's going on over there (in the backroom at Legacy) as they've been so quiet since the confusion surrounding the release of v.7. I suppose you've contemplated the possibility of going back to v.6? I have. It seemed a simpler, happier and saner place. v.7 seems to me like a giant make-work project - change all your sources, change all your locations so you can stick pins on maps. I've enjoyed using the new Search options although I've found bugs in that too - nothing I can't ignore. It's possible to turn off the changes in Locations and Sources so it pretty much looks like v.6. Sort of. I'm not trying to print out any reports with the attention to detail that I've heard people remarking about so I can't comment on that. Am personally having smaller problems, like the vertical divider in the Name List sliding around, not liking the look of the new Source Detail window or the way the bottom of the Assigned Sources window has been split up, with the File ID number not showing anymore without having to tick a button */every single time/*, that sort of thing. There's a discomfort level I haven't settled into yet. I'm trying to ignore it all and carry on as if v.7 never happened. What /are/ they doing over there?
JLog - simple computer technology for genealogists

Ruth Nerud wrote:

I have been such an advocate for Legacy in the past, but find its problems with Ver. 7 and no knowledge of when they will be fixed makes me wonder - has Legacy gotten so far ahead of itself that it's lost sight of what its use is? If I can't produce a report that prints properly, if I can't check a box and the check sticks, if I can't change the wording overwrite in the marriage screen and have what I want said print in a document, all it's good for is - me - to collect information. As it stands now I can't share information with anyone. What good does the Geo location do me when I can't produce a report. Source writer - my sources are fine - I didn't need anything better. The Help index is so hard to use. I can't find the topic I'm looking for Help with because the titles are beyond understanding. What has happened to Legacy? It's become a huge disappointment for me. Can we get back to the basic Legacy program and correct its bugs, please?

Ruth A. (Sconza Testa) Nerud

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