I have recently acquired two books with lots of information about
several of my family lines.  These books are "Heritage" books,
published by Heritage Publishing Consultants in Alabama.  The books
contain many stories, genealogies, and pictures from Alabama.  They
have published one for each county.  The stories are submitted by
different individuals and most of them have referenced the sources
they used.  I want to include the specific submitter as the author of
the material, but I want to use the book as my Master Source.

This will probably turn out to be a lumping vs. splitting question,
but I don't want to get too far into this and have to redo all my
source entries.  Here are my options as I see them so far:

1. Have one master source - the book itself.  Use the page number and
name of the story as the source detail and put the submitter's name in
the comments section with the detail.

2.  Have a master source for each story that I am citing - sort of
like EE 12.64 Edited Works: Citing Chapter Author

I started out using option 1, but now I'm leaning toward option 2
because some of these stories have so much info that it might be
easier to enter the detail, as well as find the master source I want
to use from the list, if the story names are given.  However, I can't
find a source template that really works for this.  I know I can
create my own using the basic source writer, but I do LOVE the

I value the opinion of this group, since I've learned so much from all
of you.  Let me know what you think.

(BTW - I know these are all secondary sources and not to be trusted,
especially since I've found errors regarding my own gg grandmother, so
I'll do the appropriate verifying.  I just want to get this part

Dede Holden

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