My thanks to Kathy for introducing us to Dropbox.  I have been using a
shared folder across my computers and that works great.  But with
Dropbox, essentially it is not a shared folder but a live file so
everything works faster.  I still back up to my Shared Folder so that
Mac can save to Time Machine and Mozy can play with it in the ether.
What techno-experimenters we are becoming.


On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 12:02 PM, Kathy Cardoza <> wrote:
> Hi Janis
> I'm sorry you are having trouble with this, but I see right away what the 
> problem is .........You cannot have the same file open on both computers at 
> the same time. That is why you are getting that (conflicted copy) bit. I 
> tried that at first, too, as an experiment to see what would happen.......and 
> that's what happened. Legacy saves the file when you close it. So, if you 
> think about it, you can see why you get that message and why it saves the 
> file with a different name as conflicted ........because you already have the 
> same file open on your other computer. Really, it does work EXTREMELY well. 
> You simply have to close one file before you open the other one. Open and 
> work in computer #1. When you are finished with it, close the file. It's not 
> necessary to quit the program, just close that file. In literally, a couple 
> of seconds (in my case, at least) the file is saved to DropBox and gets 
> synced to the Dropbox on the other computer where I can open it up on 
> computer #2.
> The key to all this, Janis, and I specified it in my first posting about 
> Dropbox, is to CLOSE THE FILE when you are finished with it so that it can 
> sync properly. If you try it again keeping that in mind, I'm sure you'll have 
> more luck with it and be better pleased.
> Let me know if I can help or answer any more questions. You were so kind to 
> help me when I first started with Legacy.  :)
> Kathy
> On Feb 8, 2009, at 7:42 AM, Janis L Gilmore wrote:
> Kathy,
> You can have the same family file open on two different computers (laptop and 
> desktop). If using the data file from DropBox, you would want to avoid, of 
> course, entering data into both files while they are open – whichever one is 
> closed first will lose its new data when the second computer closes the file, 
> right?
> Even if you don't enter data in one of them – if you inadvertently have the 
> file open, and close it after closing the working file, wouldn't that wipe 
> out the work that you just did?
> Honestly, I'm not finding it working that well. While ago, I closed a file on 
> the desktop, waiting for it to update in the laptop, opened the laptop and 
> found the new material not in it. I looked in DropBox and found a file by the 
> same name, but in parenthesis it said "(conflicted copy)."
> What am I not understanding here?
> Janis
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