Judy wrote:
Thanks, Gene, but that one defaults to their main search page. I am trying to get the same results that used to be possible i.e. specific results on the individual from the family view page.


That is not how the Family Search Pilot site works. If you go to the home page at http://search.labs.familysearch.org/recordsearch/start.html#start you will see that the search string I gave you is the only one available for that site. I have found it to be very useful with new info being added constantly. It is the search they offer at this site for now so we have no other coice at the moment.

Also, they have changed the interface and the new search string is;

As you can see it is longer but works in the same manner as the old one.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer & Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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