Hi Sherry, et al:

I'm a fairly happy user of V. and am about to replace my old
laptop.  The Desktop will remain my primary computer with backups to a "D"
drive and a memory stick.  The laptop is wireless-connected and will be used
as another backup and for field work and teaching.  Both use XP Pro.

Two questions - I find the LUG full of suggestions to the point of
confusion.  Maybe you have a summary sheet.  The On-line Help Install To A
Different Location refers to Legacy5Setup.exe - are these instructions
applicable to Ver. 7?

1.  Should I load the original Legacy 7.0 program from my disk and then
up-date it from the 'net, copy and then load the current program and data
files using a memory stick, or do a full backup and restore?  Should I hold
off a week or two for a new up-date or go with it as is?  It's been a while
since version  .86 came out and we still have expectations.

2.  How do you suggest we name and organize the data files.  I want the
desktop and laptop to be identical for clean backups.

A few years ago I started a small genealogy group in my community and have
ended up tutoring Legacy some.  One of the most difficult parts for new
users is entering the data in a way that will give them the results they
would like.  I may have some suggestions I'd be glad to discuss off-line.

Thanks,     Hugh

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