I’m having problems with spouse order.

If a couple are not married, this can be shown in the Marriage Information screen as “this couple did not marry” and can be shown as partners, unmarried etc. 

Although they are not married, the Marriage List still shows them as husband and wife.  I don’t really have a problem with that, even though they aren’t married.

The problem seems to be however, spouse order.  Spouse order can be by marriage dates, or can be set to whatever order that you wish.

However, if there isn’t a marriage date, any chart produced will set that spouse as the first spouse.  This isn’t necessarily correct, and in my case it isn’t.

If I put in a marriage date, the chart will show the spouse order correctly, but shows also as “Married” with the date beside it.

I don’t want this to show on the chart that they were married, as they weren’t. 

Is there a way around this, or is it a problem that needs to be fixed within the chart program?

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