I meant that the family page shows the married couple and their 10
children listed below them.
I was not aware that right clicking on the child would show a
relationship, but yes it does show unknown for 3 of the 10 listed
children.  I see how to fix it by replacing "unknown" with the blank
selection, but I don't understand how unknown got there to begin with.
 Is this field supposed to be set when entering data?  Shouldn't the
default show nothing?


On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 3:03 AM, Jenny M Benson<ge...@cedarbank.me.uk> wrote:
> Chick Lewis wrote
>> I created a narrative descendant report, and several people in the report
>> contained the phrase "Relationship to father: Unknown." This is not correct.
>>  The relationship is known and is correctly shown on the family page.  I can
>> remove that phrase by unchecking the child-parent relationships in the
>> Report options.  But, why is it there?
> What exactly do you mean when you say that the relationship is shown
> correctly on the family page?  Are you saying that with the parents
> displayed in Family view you right click on the child, select Children's
> Settings and there is either nothing showing in the Relationship to Father
> field or a correct relationship such as Biological is showing?
> In nearly all cases I have no entry in that field because I consider it
> unnecessary and when I run the Report as you did I get nothing showing about
> relationship.  Where there is a "different" relationship, such as Adopted, I
> select this for that field and it shows correctly in the Report.
> I am at a loss to see how "Unknown" would appear in the Report unless you
> actually have "Unknown" in that field.
> --
> Jenny M Benson
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