I have created a descendants narrative report for my relative. I checked the detail and find on the following pages I have duplicated information which I believe is not correct.

I have a chap who married two sisters, the 2nd after the first sister died. I have events entered for this chap, but am finding on my report and it is only with him, that the events for :Noted events in his life: are printing out twice. Once for his entry for his 1st wife and then again for the entry with his 2nd wife (her sister). I have other relatives who have been married twice and this does seem to happen with them. Have I pushed some magic button and made it appear twice by mistake. I do hope someone can help with this as I have checked my settings and cannot find an answer.

In the options for the report under include I have ticked
Events for husband and wife
Events for marriage
Notes all of these options are ticked

I have tried unchecking events for husband and wife and events for marriage alternatively and this does not fix the problem
Thanks for any kind help with this.

Land of the long white cloud - New Zealand

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