The images are all located on an external hard drive.  I don't know why it
was looking in the E Drive except that most of my programs use the E Drive
for temporary file storage because there is nothing there.  It's a very
small drive.

I don't put any data on the C Drive because I don't keep data there for a
very good reason.  I do system restores or reformats at least once a year to
get rid of all the junk that Microsoft Windows Updates puts there.  If I
forget that I have data files on the C Drive then it will be gone unless I
remember to do a backup.

My computer is about six years old and if I could afford to upgrade or buy a
new one I would.  I wish I could get rid of this piece of junk (Sony--I'll
never buy another one).  It probably can't be upgraded anyway.  They'll say
I need a new one just to make a fast buck.  I do need a faster computer

I guess you could say that my system is not the typical system where people
just pile years worth of junk on it and leave it there.  Data is backed up
the beginning of the year for the previous year then cleaned out.  If I have
to change my routine because of a piece of software then I'll change the
software especially one that deletes my files.  FTM2008 did that with all of
my media files and I immediately trashed it.

Software should not dictate where I choose to put my data files that's why I
have two separate data drives--both external and one is never connected when
my internet connection is live.  It's an archive drive and I don't put a lot
of trust in my Norton software because it has missed things before.

The only software problems I have are with programs that use external
programs such as Net Framework which conflicts with everything else that
uses it.  FTM 2008-2010 uses it and I've noticed that some Adobe software
uses it too.  The only thing I can think of, and discovered, that some older
programs use older versions of Framework that conflict with the newer

I downloaded LTools the other day, but still haven't installed it.

I'm going to do a new GEDCOM import into Legacy and just work with the data
for now.  I'll deal with the images later or might look for something that
can handle them better.  I think I saw something on the Legacy website that
works with media files.
  -----Original Message-----
  From: []on Behalf
Of Jay at
  Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 1:16 PM
  Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy Crashed Three Times and Lost Everything I
Just Inputted


  I have over 10,000 images linked to events and persons in my Legacy
database and in over 5 years Legacy has only crashed once, and that was
several years ago.
  There are tools available from third parties such as LTools which can help
you batch process many records. You might want to contact Dennis at LTools
directly if you have some very specific tasks.  $50 saved me from entering
and linking over 3000 items (which probably would have taken a month to do
if I had to key it)

  When you get an error message, jot down the # and refer to the Legacy
support page online.

  You should probably get your computer checked out, it probably needs some
upgrading.  (and a side note....why was Legacy trying to look for your image
in a E: drive ?  (which is usually a disk drive) Your data (images) should
be stored on the same drive as Legacy if possible, and always on a hard
drive and not a disk drive.
  Sounds like you have a conflict with some other program that is trying to
control/manage your images.

  I hope things work out for you.

  From: William H. Boswell
  Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 9:57 AM
  Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Legacy Crashed Three Times and Lost Everything I
Just Inputted

  That's all I'm getting is error messages then it closes.  I managed to
save one before it closed:

  Error opening Picture Information work file.
  Error 3024: Could not find file 'e:\Temp\LG~0.dbm'.
  Would you like to TRY IT AGAIN?

  There was also a file with a DBM extension that was saved in the folder
where it deleted the image file, but when I went to locate it again it was
gone.  All of my exhibits are set at read only so why is Legacy deleting
them?  This is a similar problem I had with FTM 2008.  I wonder what else
got deleted.

  I removed the Legacy program from my computer and may try reinstalling it
again later.  I do have several backups from yesterday and one from today
(overwritten a few times because I stopped adding time to the backup--my
mistake now), but I've spent nearly six hours today fixing the images and
don't want to use a possibly corrupt backup.

  I think because the images were all attached in the GEDCOM from TMG to
Legacy, this might have caused the problem.  Because there's way too much
work involved in cleaning up this file, it would be better to import a new
GEDCOM without image links since I have to do the relinking thing over
anyway.  Unfortunately, it also means everything I have changed in the lists
will also have to be redone.

  Bill Boswell
    -----Original Message-----
    From: []on
Behalf Of Sherry/Support
    Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 12:30 PM
    Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Legacy Crashed Three Times and Lost Everything I
Just Inputted

    Are you getting any error messages?

    Thanks for using Legacy.


    Customer Support

    Millennia Corporation

    We are changing the world of genealogy!

    When replying to this message, please include all previous
correspondence.  Thanks.

    --------Original Message-------------

    From: [] On
Behalf Of William H. Boswell
    Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 9:16 AM
    To: Legacy Family Tree List
    Subject: [LegacyUG] Legacy Crashed Three Times and Lost Everything I
Just Inputted

    Legacy may be going the way FTM is--gone.  I was trying to relink an
image and it crashed deleting my original image file.  When I try to go back
in and continue where I left off, it crashes again.

    I'm not bothering with this anymore.  It's too much work and if I can't
get past the crashes I'm just wasting my time.

    Fed up with genealogy programs.

    Bill Boswell

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