If I am reading you correctly, you will only be removing the source from a 
wrong place, and not going to the Source edit screen at all.  As someone said 
an hour ago (before I went offline) before doing anything, do a backup. But 
removing the source from the event list, will not do anything to the source 
Rich in LA CA

From: michael barberi <michaelbarb...@yahoo.com>
To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 11:35:48 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Birth, Marriage, Death Sources


1. I agree that I record the date of death and the source twice.  Nevertheless, 
I do use the Master Source since it follows the Evidence Rules and I can attach 
pictures of documents.  If I use the notes section of the "Died" icon, I 
duplicate what I am already doing in Event notes.  Like I said, I like the idea 
that I can see at-a-glance all life events of a person displayed on the 
individual's screen.  Hence, I like the Events approach even though I duplicate 
some information.  If I find that my reporting requirements cannot be met by 
this approach, I will try your approach.

2.  Regarding my problem:  The Specific Master Source AND the Picture of the 
certificate of death appearing in the Death Event for the second person 
iswrong.  The "same Specific Master Source and Picture" also appears as the 
Death Event Source and Picture for the first person...which is correct.  Hope 
this is clearer.  Now the question is:  If I delete the Specific Master Source 
and Picture that appears incorrectly for the second person, will this deletion 
impact the same Specific Master Source and Picture for the first person?   I am 
seeking a solution however, I am worried that if I delete this Specific Master 
Source and Picture for the second person, I will lose it for the first person.  
My reasoning:  there is only ONE such Specific Master Source and Picture.  If I 
delete it, I lost it.  I could be wrong.  

Mike Barberi

In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus autem caritas. 
In essentials unity, in doubtful things liberty, but in all things love. 
St. Augustine (A.D. 354 - 430) 

From: Paula Ryburn <paula.ryb...@sbcglobal.net>
To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 7:43:32 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Birth, Marriage, Death Sources

Forgive my misunderstanding.  I thought I had read that you were moving away 
from the one master source per fact approach.

I understand what you're doing, but I would not do it that way.  You seem to be 
recording the source of the data twice.  But, to each his own.
(And I could suggest that if you have some Notes about his death, you might 
want to use the Death Notes instead of a new Death Event... checking first that 
your reporting requirements are met.)

Regarding your real problem.  Is the correct master source cited on the 2nd 
person, just with the wrong image?  Or is the wrong master source cited 

If it's the correct master source with the wrong picture attached, Edit the 
Master Source, Remove the picture, and attach the correct one.

If it's not the correct master source, go into the individual's attached 
sources (books icon) and Remove that citation.  Then do either your steps 3 and 
4 (if the master source you need never did get added) or just cite the correct 
master source.

Hope this makes sense!  Nothing should happen to the correct person & his 
--Paula in Texas

From: michael barberi <michaelbarb...@yahoo.com>
To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 8:50:40 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Birth, Marriage, Death Sources


I am new to Legacy so forgive me if my descriptions are not completely clear.  
I will try again using Death as an example.

1.  First I enter the date of death in the field "Died" on the individual's 
2.  Then I create an EVENT called DEATH below under Event/Facts.  In the 
"Notes" section of the Event Screen called Death, I summarize the source of the 
date of death and what the source said. 
3.  Now, on the Event screen, there are icons for "Adding or Editing Source 
Citations", as well as Pictures.  I click of the Source icon and create a 
"Specific Master Source" for this Death Event (for this individual).  I type in 
the information onto the screen that automatically come up: I name the Source, 
Individual, text of source, etc.  
4.  After I finish entering those details, I now attach to this Specific Master 
Source, a picture of the Certificate of Death.  

When I am viewing an individual's information, and click on the Event "Death", 
and then click on the icon "Source", what is see is:  Four tabs called Output, 
Text/Comments, Repository and Pictures.  If I click on the Output tab, I see 
the information I entered under the headings Footnote/endnote citation, 
subsequent citation, and bibliography.  If I click on the Picture tab, I see a 
copy of the Certificate of Death in the heading "Master Source Picture".  If I 
click on the image of the death certificate, it takes me to the Picture Gallery 
for the Source.  From here, I can open this picture of the death certificate 
and zoom to read the details.     

In summary, this is what I have been doing for all Events (birth, marriage, 
death, naturalization, immigration, etc).  I have not created a true "Master 
Source" that can be used for more than one individual.  However, this does not 
seem to be difficult (from the suggestions that everyone has been making).  All 
I have to do is revise the Specific Master Source and make it more "General".  
Once done, the Output and Master Source Picture that is attached to the 
Specific Master Source, will be now attached to the new General Master Source.  
I have not done this yet but intend to do so. 

However, my previous issue still stands.  I have noticed that a Specific Master 
Source (for an individual's event) and the attached Picture of the source 
document, is showing up in someone else's Death Event (as a source).  It is 
also in its correct place for the correct specific individual.  Hence, my 
question about deleting it from the incorrect person's event and whether I will 
lose it all together for the correct person.  


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