Michele Lewis wrote:
I am uploading my files via FileZilla instead of Ipswitch and it is
just as slow.  My internet connection registers as fast (using the
free utility that someone posted).  I can't for the life of me
figure out why it takes so long.  I have approx 7500 pages (pedigree
style) with no photos.



As I mentioned before, your upload times are comparable with mine. The speed of your upload connection is not the only factor. Your program should tell you how long it is taking to upload each page and the total time it has taken so to do.

However, during this time process the data has to be taken from you PC which also takes time and the Server then has to accept it and process it. You will see during the upload short waiting periods. Thus, the total time depends on the speed of your PC, the upload speed and the Server speed.

You may like to think of it as downloading and installing a program, but with a much slower connection speed.

Ron Ferguson

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