One more time!!! I have tried to post this message three times over the past week, so if a duplicate materializes, I apologize in advance. I'm beginning to wonder if I've been blacklisted!

<<inline: Beer Glass Smiley.jpg>>

Anyway - I am trying to use the spell checker to correct a lot of errors in my notes and ran across a couple of issues that I do not seem to be able to figure out:

(1) Specifically, the use of military designators, such as 1st Infantry, 384th TFW, etc. , - the spell checker will accept these if spelled out, such as 'first' Infantry, 'Three Eighty Fourth' TFW, etc., but will not permit me to add the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc., designators to the dictionary so that when encountered again, it will allow changes. Aside from 'ignoring' these errors each time I ask the spell checker to start anew (as opposed to 'starting where left off'), is there any way to add the 1st, 2nd., etc., to the spell checker for future usage?

(2) On a secondary issue with the spell checker, I am unable to correct misspelled data in the Global spell checker unless it is a word in the spell checker dictionary. My solution? Write the RIN number on a piece of paper, then go to that RIN - visit his/her Notes field, read the whole note and manually correct the spelling problems as I go - OR - I copy the whole note, paste it to a WORD document, make the corrections, then copy and paste it back into Legacy.

A most convoluted process, but it is easier for me than trying to use the spell checker when it doesn't permit me to manually change 'da te' to 'date' or to type the proper name and change it on the spot. Lots of effort, but I'm now about 40% through my 21,000 RIN's, and hope to finish in about 6 weeks.


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