Thanks Gene for your reply.

I've been a legacy user since versions 1 or 2.

I seem to have lost the functionality of right clicking on the family
page. At the moment when I right click on husband or wife I'm taken to
the individual screen rather that the options.

I have beome so familiar with using right click that I'm frustrated by
having to to use the edit menu or as Gene kindly suggested using the
marriage events or notes icon.

Thanks again



On 27/10/2009, Gene Young <> wrote:
> Margaret Turner wrote:
>> Hello,
>> When I click on individual (eg. in Died) display within the family
>> view tab, I'm unable to right click to obtain the options eg. Edit
>> marriage, Add, View, Notes.
>> I thought it might be a hardware fault but I can use Windows Explorer
>> and right click ona folder to look at its properties.
>> Many thanks.
>> :)
>> Margaret
> Right clicking for displaying/changing properties is a Windows thing and
> does not function that way in Legacy.
> To edit the marriage you left click on the marriage events icon.  To
> edit notes, you left click on the notes icon for that individual.
> I would suggest that you check the help file for "Using Legacy" and the
> free videos on the Legacy web site to get a feel for the features in Legacy.
> --
> Gene Y.
> Researching Young, Zies, Harer & Cox with
> Legacy Family Tree
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