Please fix the glitch reported below earlier in the year in the new Legacy update. This is a real problem for me as it is sometimes necessary to change language to French or German for oversees relatives. When I change back to English then I forever see Ber instead of Cal in all printed reports. As Brian stated ,"Once you change language however the error in the .trn file changes Legacy's term for Calculated from Cal to Ber in all the future chart style reports you create."

Thank you,
Kay Fordham


Re: [LegacyUG] Family Group Sheet Error - Calculated Date Terminology
Tue, 28 Apr 2009 13:41:48 -0700

Problem confirmed. There is an error in the .trn files which control the chart type reports wording. I have submitted a problem report on the issue. You will only see the error if you change the report language. So long as you were using the default language you used to install Legacy the term is correct. Once you change language however the error in the .trn file changes Legacy's term for Calculated from Cal to Ber in all the future chart style reports you create.
Kay Fordham wrote:

Build Date of: 13 March 2009

When I use the calendar feature to calculate a date (in this case birth), it shows properly as "cal 3 April 1849" in the Family View; however, in the print preview and printed copy it shows up as "ber 3 April 1849." No problem with the others; i.e., bef, abt, aft. Can anyone else duplicate this anomaly? Thanks, Kay Fordham

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