Thanks Brian and Richard. The "heads up" on problems with gedcom transfer was 
much appreciated. I use GRAMPS on Linux and was too focused on my problem to be 
alert to side effects...

Using the "multiple parent" search dropped a list of 25. The first was Sarah, 
daughter of Henry and Anne, sibling Jane. The only visible clue on the family 
page (all visible there) is two spouses for Henry. Checking spouses shows a 
second spouse "Unknown", and selecting her produces a family screen with only 
Henry and Sarah, Jane missing and mother blank. Edit>Delete finds wife grayed 
for delete and unlink, leaving the apparent options deleting Henry or Sarah, 
or, unlinking Henry from his parents or Sarah from him.

What's the best approach to fix this and for more complicated cases when there 
are multiple up and down linkages involved? This was a merge of a secondary 
copy into the family group master, 1793 and 1810 individuals to produce 1854 
combined, so most were UID matches with only 93 inspected as having changed 
data or being potential duplicates. Is 25 parent link problems high for 
something like this, and are there more unobvious problems likely, linkage or 

Thanks Again


----- Original Message -----
From: brian @ legacyfamilytree .com
To: LegacyUserGroup @ LegacyUsers .com
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 12:53:21 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [ LegacyUG ] Finding Bad Links (Merge Problems?)

Go to Search > Find > Miscellaneous Tab
There is a search there for people with multiple parents.
When you have created the search list select the family tab
That will show you who those parents are as well as any siblings they
have in each family.

Customer Support
Millennia Corporation
Brian@ legacyfamilytree .com

brittongen wrote:
> File merging seems to have produced erroneous links with both Legacy 6 and 
> Legacy 7. Under Legacy 6, I found duplication of parents with children linked 
> to only one set. That was picked up by either noticing doubled spouses on the 
> Family Screen, or that the tree could be traversed one way but not the other. 
> It was fixable by appropriate delinking of the childless parents.
> My last merge with Legacy 7 similarly produced a tree traversable down but 
> not up from files lacking that feature, stopping at a parentless individual, 
> but with no other information or apparent tool in Legacy to fix it. (No 
> duplication of child or parents.) Accordingly, I exported a gedcom to GRAMPS 
> , where the individual showed up with two parent sets, one correct and the 
> other two "Unknown". It's trivial in GRAMPS to delete the bad link, so I did 
> that and returned the genealogy to Legacy 7 via gedcom with the problem found 
> fixed. No change appeared in the individual count in GRAMPS or Legacy, nor 
> did it earlier in Legacy 6, and "File Repair" fails to fix this.
> My questions: Is there a way to search Legacy 7 for this kind of problem? Is 
> there a way to fix the parent duplication one in Legacy 7?
> kb

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