I hear y'all - no one with sense messes with a GEDCOM unless he has to. I may 
have to.

I only had a couple of small Ancestry GEDCOMs handy to look at. Only two user 
defined fields, properly distinguished by a leading underline - _PREF and 
_MEDI. Then I thought to look at the header. The date was Nov 2008, but Legacy 
version 3! OK, Legacy does things right and did so long ago, but what Robert 
got back could have been sourced by any program providing a GEDCOM that 
Ancestry could (sort of) read. Since Nov 2008 is only two years ago, probably 
Ancestry is not the origin of either the UID or APID tags seen.

Since clearly oddities may be encountered, cautions against blithe editing of 
GEDCOMs are further supported. That said, how else other than looking at the 
GEDCOM is one to have confidence how to instruct Legacy to remap? Was there a 
sensible mapping for APID? Was UID just a standard field lacking the underline 
prefix for it's tag, or something oddball now imported into Legacy? If standard 
and a rare or unique case with others _UID, Is that a warning of possible 
corruption elsewhere in that download?


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