Also see Help File: Extensions, Files
Evert van Dijken

2010/1/26 Tim Rosenlof <>:
> Here is a list of files JUST in the Legacy folder. Brian probably could
> add a few.
> Tim Rosenlof
> an0 = saved name tag options
> CB = Clipboard
> CB0-9 = probably holds the Saved Source Clipboard data
> CBH = also to do with the Clipboard - the list of saved sources
> CHM = Help Files
> DBM = Index files
> FDB = Family Data Base
> FG = Focus Group
> HIS = History List
> IGI = IGI Search
> IGI.lic = relates to the LDS program sections & the IGI search
> lcs = which hold color schemes
> LDB = locked file - should only be present when the file is open
> LIC = Legacy.lic holds the Deluxe info
> MRG = merge work file - only present when a merge in progress
> PPL = Potential Problems List
> rf1 = saved report options
> RGD = Research Guidance Database
> TC = To-Do Clipboard
> TCH and TC0-9 similar for the To Do clipboard
> TRN = holds words and phrases Legacy uses in various languages
> Update.lic = holds the date you last checked for an update
> USR = User settings
> GEO*.txt = GeoDB Country List
> JPG,BMP,GIF = Image Files
> DO1 ?
> HF2 ?
> On 1/25/2010 4:08 PM, Alastair Lack wrote:
>> Dennis,
>> I think you just repeated what I said - that one can save .rf1 to
>> wherever one wants.
>> But that in my view does not remove the desirability of having a
>> defined path to not only those, but the .usr files also - all the ones
>> none of us seem to be able to define, but the programmers will know.
>> Warm regards :-)
>> Alastair Lack
>> Salisbury, England

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