I have many ancestors born in an area near Annville, PA, USA.  This
area was Chester County until 1729 when it became Lancaster County -
until 1785 when it became Dauphin County - but in 1813 it became
Lebanon County and is called that today.  What to use for a
County?????  I have been using what it was at the time since Legacy
has complained about a County not in existence -- and I can see that
for Birth, Death and Marriage.  But what about burial - people want to
know where it is NOW - not back then.
And how will NFS handle , and Annville, Chester, Pennsylvania, USA,
and Annville, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, and Annville, Dauphin,
Pennsylvania, USA, and Annville, Lebanon, Pennsylvania, USA all in the
SAME database??  They are all really the same place!
Find-A-Grave "County Keeper" for Schuylkill County, PA

Keith A. McKain
McCain-McKane-O'Kane DNA Group 1 - # Mc17936

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Email: geosc...@comcast.net

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