
Click on Search> Detailed Search tab>

Look For: Individual
Where to Look: Notes-General
How to Look: Not Equal To
What to Look For:   .... leave this totally blank, NOTHING to be inserted in 
this field

Now click on Create List and be certain the "Clear List before this search" is 

If I've explained it correctly, the resulting list should be everyone who has 
something in their General Notes.

You know to click on the little down arrows at the right side of each little 
search field so that it opens a little drop down menu. This is where you can 
make your choices for the search criteria.


  From: Diane Szabo

  I have 120,000 names in my file.  I need to find all of the ancestors' names 
where a "note" (biography, or other) has been added.   Obviously, not all of 
the 120,000 names have a note or notes.

  Is there an easy way to do this?  I tried using the search feature, but I'm 
probably doing something wrong because it didn't work.

  Hope someone can help me with this.


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