Hi there,

I used to work with Legacy a lot a few years back. Then I completely stopped
using it due to my switch to PhpGedView, which I have installed on my
website and which I enjoy using, because it makes collaboration so simple.
Legacy on the other hand, is far more convenient at entering data, checking
problems, merging files, etc, etc.

Earlier I had no problem at all reimporting GEDCOM produced by PhpGedView.
This week I purchased Legacy and tried to import my latest GEDCOM and it
does not seem to work at all. OK, I get a long list of errors (which did not
surprise me, since Gedcom versions tend to vary quite a bit). Most
disturbingly, family connections are broken. e.g. my parents don't show up
as my parents anymore, some generations back also my wife has ancestors
"missig". Mind you, the people are still in the file, but don't show up as
being connected.

I then imported the same Gedcom into PAF 5 and surprise, surprise: no
problem at all! Everything just shows up as it should. I could also import
the data from the generated PAF-file into Legacy without a problem.

My question: is this a known bug in Legacy or is there anything that can be
done about it? I still want to use my online-database, but intend to switch
back to Legacy every once in a while to do the more difficult jobs on my
computer and would like to export the changes back into PhpGedView. I will
definitely not take the additional step with PAF all the time.

Any suggestions from someone in this list?


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