Randy Clark wrote:
> It serves, among other things, as a quick, one-size-fits-all button
> for lazy people like me.
> On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 8:36 AM, James Cook <jc1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Going through the archives, I ran across a post about problems with
>> the 3-bar paste. I did not realize until I read through that, that
>> this button pastes to ALL EVENTS currently attached to the
>> individual!!!!!!!!! Now, I know I have sources attached to events
>> that do not belong. Please tell me there is a better way to go about
>> cleaning this up than going to each individual's source list one at a
>> time????
>> And, why, why, why does this button behave like this? It's positioned
>> as if it goes with the vital bits on the top half of the screen, not
>> the event list below. Can anyone think of any good reason to blurt to
>> all events like that, cause I can't, and certainly not without
>> warning?

For those who followed/contributed to, this thread. please note that the
Help file now reads:

"you can click [3 bar button] to have Legacy automatically assign the source
to every field on the Information form that is not blank.  (This also
includes all events in the event list.)"

Ron Ferguson

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