Hi Brian,

> I am looking for basic info on the web page creation feature.When I create a 
> web page using Legacy and save it,do I then download to an online server or 
> creation site.Don't know if I am explaining this right,does the Legacy web 
> page creation feature automatically place your data on a web page or do I 
> need something else to put it on the web?

Legacy will create the web pages and save them on your computer.  What
you choose to do after that is up to you.  :-)

If you want to put them on the web for others to find, you need to
upload the pages to a server that does that.  Choices to make there, too
- are you going to pay an ISP to host your site, or use a free one?

As you can see from my signature below, I use Rootsweb's Freepages for
my web site.  I don't have Legacy-produced pages there, but I could if I

Not only is Freepages free, but there's good peer-to-peer support to be
had, too, so you're not alone when you have a question.


You may also want to make use of the "WUL" group (Webs Using Legacy, if
I recall correctly) if you find your questions going beyond the creating
of the pages with Legacy.  http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/WUL/

Although I don't have Legacy-produced web pages on my site, I have made
use of them today.  I've generated a set of pages for one half of my
family, and burned them to a DVD to share with two aunts.  I find this
the easiest method for sharing my data with close family, who want to
know "everything" I've found out about the family we have in common.  In
the past I've tried sending them a Legacy file for them to use in the
free edition of the program, but they didn't want to be that involved
and didn't use it.  The web pages are excellent for that.  They know how
to browse a web page, so I don't have to teach them anything.

Hope this helps.  :-)

Kind Regards,
Wendy Howard
Kaiwaka, Northland, New Zealand

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