On 2010/04/19 02:56, Robert Carneal USA wrote:

> What I was envisioning was being able to open all four sites, if
> Sosiah Carneal is found on their site, into four separate windows.
> (Split the screen into quarters.) Then, if one said his birthdate was
> Jan 10, 1882, but three say his birthday was Jan 19, 1882, I probably
> would put more weight on the Jan 19 date until I discovered
> otherwise. I just thought it would be a good way to contrast and
> compare information between sites. Probably not easily done yet.

First of all, I'd be VERY suspicious of an S being the first letter of
his name. A J is MUCH MORE LIKELY. An S could have been transcribed as a
result of a badly written J. But enough of that :-)

What you're really looking for is a proper Browser. It's not really the
job of Legacy to replace your Browser, even though it can. To work
properly, the program would have to spawn a background thread to
initiate the searches, then spawn one thread per search engine
initiated, to read the HTML streams coming back. Then you have to find a
way to open another window and present the multiple HTML streams on it.

Legacy is already large enough.

Mike Fry

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