I have direct ancestors, Zacharia Rice (1731-1811) and Abigail Hartman
(1742-1789), who had 21 children, all well documented.  Guestimating at  only
two children each, every twenty years would produce 21,504 people  today.
That's all from only ONE family.  It's very easy to have a  huge database.

Sally Miller Hindley

In a message dated 4/28/2010 5:05:46 AM Eastern  Daylight Time,
dmg.familyt...@gmail.com writes:
Same thing could be said for  many Irish Catholic families also, and
I'm not just talking about 100 yearrs  ago.  2 people I was in school
with in the 1970s/1980s came from large  families, one of 16 siblings,
the other of 14 siblings.  In fact, the  guy from the larger family was
an uncle of the guy from the smaller  family!



On 28 April 2010  04:40, Gene Hutson <fish...@cableone.net> wrote:
> and let  us not forget Amish and Mennonite genealogies.
>     Some families had 16 or more living children.
>     Gene Hutson
>     norfolk, Nebraska

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