On 5/5/2010 10:05 AM, Uwe Beffert wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to export a list of marriages from my database using CSV
> format to generate an Excel file but the options seem to be very
> limited, and there are a number of issues that I have not been able to
> resolve.
> 1. Each marriage appears twice in the list, one for each partner; I
> would prefer to have the marriage listed only once.
> 2. The first spouse's name appears in the format "Smith, John" the
> second partner as "Jane Smith"
> 3. The marriage date and location appear in the same column.
> Ideally, I would like to have the option of separating each variable,
> i.e. a column for each of the following:
> 1. Husband; family name
> 2. Husband; given name
> 3. Wife; family name
> 4. Wife; given name
> 5. Marriage location
> 6. Marriage date
> Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas of how to achieve this?
> Many thanks,
> Uwe

Down load this free program;


It works extremely well and should easily do what you want.  Export your
Legacy file to a Gedcom, open the gedcom in GedXLate and pick your options.


Gene Young
Researching Young, Harer, Cox & Sallada
With Legacy Family Tree

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