---- Original Message ----
From: Barbara Johnson
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Cc: Barbara Johnson
Sent: 01 June 2010 23:49
Subject: [LegacyUG] User group interest

> I am Vice-president of Skagit Valley Genealogical Society. Several of
> our members have expressed an interest in a user group.
> I noted that Arnold Stewart of Mount Vernon, WA is on your list.
> Arnold passed away several months ago. Could you replace his name
> with my name and e-mail?
> Thanks.
> Barbara Johnson
> raptorwo...@gmail.com


As this is a User List this is not something which we can do. It may be
that someone from Legacy picks this request up, but in case not I would
suggest that you contact Sherry at Legacy Support, her address is:

I have copied this post to your email address in case you do not see
this on the list.

Ron Ferguson

PS, In case you post again this list is text only, no html is permitted,
although sometimes you wouldn't think so :-)

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