On 2010/06/26 02:58, Larry McCumber wrote:
> Typical of this user group (or a large segment of its population) none
> of the replies to the OP's original question were helpful.  Mike Fry was
> snide and downright condescending.  There were other ways to ask for
> clarification.  Then Brian totally high-jacked the thread with total
> nonsense, and then high-jacked his own high-jacked thread with another
> off topic subject.  The OP is probably still wondering WTH happened and
> if he should even bother with a clarification.  So I've high-jacked
> again just to say that this user group, while some are very helpful, has
> one of the meanest reputations in the world of genealogy user groups.
> It's a shame because some of the members really know the system and
> provide very good help.

No! Read the original non-question. My reply was short and succinct. If
people can't be bothered to provide sufficient information or background
detail when asking a question, why should we try and work out what it
was you were trying to say! If you were a researcher, what would say
when asked to find the life history of John Smith born somewhere in
England, sometime in the 16th century?

The hijacking is a fact of life because people do not understand the
difference between two common verbs or commands: write and reply. They
read a message thread and then click reply to send a new message rather
than using the write command.

Mike Fry

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