
"Map My Family" does about the same as "Legacy Mapping". It does what is
say's in the description. I use it more than Legacy Mapping. Others on
this list differ. Keep in mind that both "Map My Family" and "Legacy
Mapping" use *current* locations, not historical.

AniMap uses *historical* locations. You can plot
cities/cemeteries/railroads/military/post offices/etc... You search for
those locations in a sitefinder, then plot it on the map. It will show
you which county of your ancestors were in for a certain time. For
instance, my ancestor lived in Lehi, Utah. I use SiteFinder to search
for Lehi. I can then plot Lehi on the map, and see which county Lehi was
in, in a certain year from 1849, historically. It has a run feature that
you can just set, then sit back and watch from year to year. I can
record which county they lived in *historically*. I would enter Lehi,
Utah, Utah for the location in my database in 1890. It's great for
following your ancestors through different cities they lived and
*correctly* enter the historical data. It also shows the county seat.

I would also recommend you look at Centennia Historical Atlas.
I do research in Czechoslovakia. It has so many boundary changes through
the years.

Tim Rosenlof

On 8/16/2010 2:59 PM, Larry Lee wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> Just read about Map my family as well
> Do you know the differences. I looked at the info and I might like Map
> my family better.
> Comments?
> Thanks,
> Larry Lee
> On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 1:52 PM, Tim Rosenlof <spa...@xmission.com
> <mailto:spa...@xmission.com>> wrote:
>     The price for AniMap has not changed. It has been that 'Save $10.00'
>     price for quite awhile. The (Legacy News) email sent out earlier is
>     pertaining to 10% off the items in the *Legacy Store*. Click on the link
>     in the email.
>     Regards,
>     Tim Rosenlof
>     (Link)
>     http://www.legacyfamilytreestore.com/SearchResults.asp?Cat=1
>     On 8/16/2010 1:43 PM, Bain Family wrote:
>      > I see Legacy has a 10% off sale and I wanted to follow-up on my
>      > adventures with AniMap in case anyone was interested in
>     purchasing it --
>      > now might be a good time to do so.
>      > I was contacted by a person from GoldBug who helped me with the
>     issues
>      > and it appears to be working fine now. I am running it on Windows
>      > 7/64-bit which they said is OK.
>      > Lana

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