I have 2 pet peeves that bug me no end. Hopefully someone will be able to
explain why I have this aggravation.

The first is when I set the column width on the columns displayed on the
INDEX tab they don't remain at the width I set them. The next session I
open may or may not see them remain the same. This is especially true
when I've shut down Windows 7 and restart the next day. The width will
revert to a default width - meaning plenty of white space in the columns
with fewer showing than when I narrow the width. (I have 9 columns
defined for display. By manually defining the width by grasping the
column marker and making the columns more narrow I can see in total all
but the 9th one. Only a part of it displays - which is OK.

The 2nd pet peeve is when adding a picture to an individual. I always
have to redefine the path for Legacy to find where my photos are located
(I keep them in a folder within DropBox app). Once it's redefined there's
no problem UNTIL I shut down Windows 7. Then I have to go back and
redefine the path again. Photos that have been attached show up on the
individuals show up normally, it's just when I get ready to add something

I don't understand why these situations occur. Anybody got any ideas or
need more (better) explanation of the situation?


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