Hello again, all,

On to my second challenge.  I checked through the archives as best I could, but
I just couldn't figure out the best search parameters I guess, so here goes.

Much to the diappointment of my DAR friends, my ancestors didn't come to the US
until the middle of the 19th century, for the most part.  They stayed in Canada
(or Ireland, but I haven't found them) until all the major unpleasantness was
over with.  But that means they were in Canada through all the name and
governmental changes.  As an example, Louis Bourgois (b 1707) fled the English
occupation of Port-Royal, Acadia 1733 and resettled at Fort Ste-Marie, Acadie. 
There they remained until he and his family round-up of the Acadians in 1755. 
Louis took the loyalty oath and was allowed to remain in Fort Frederick in
Acadia.  Louis died just before Fort Frederick was burned to the ground and Fort
Howe, Nova Scotia was built to take its place.  His children and grandchildren
would grow upa and die successively in Fort Howe, New Brunswick and Saint John,
Saint John County, New Brunswick.

Louis himself doesn't exist, but his situation does, over and over again.  The
conundrum I find myself with is this:  Does anyone (or everyone) track these
changes, or do you go with the standardised, modern place names for most places
outside the US?  I know that sound US-centric to those of you outside the US,
but I only ask because of the county reminder thing-a-ma-bob.

Thanks for your input.


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