Gwen, if you are using the Deluxe edition, you can copy and paste lots of things with the clipboard. Do you know how to use that feature? It's not an F key. It's the white block with the up arrow in it.
God bless, Ellen ----- Original Message ----- From: "Noddie" <> To: Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 8:27:17 PM Subject: [LegacyUG] Repeating info & Direct Line Hi there I was wondering if it is possible to use one of the F keys to repeat info when typing into the Family page. ie: If I type St George, Sheffield, Wry, Eng can I then say push F3 or similar to repeat this info on another Family page for another family member. I know you can start typing but often you might have several St George address's and need to go through them all to get the right one. Also is it possible to get a printout for a Direct line of a family only so I can sift out the ones I need info for. I am finding it hard to do this and wonder if there is an easy route for it. Thanks heaps Cheers Gwen :) Legacy User Group guidelines: Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009: Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009: Online technical support: To unsubscribe: Legacy User Group guidelines: Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009: Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009: Online technical support: To unsubscribe: