I think it depends on what you plan to do with the GEDCOM file.  I do
not think you will lose any data, but if you are going to import that
into something else, the data may not show up the same way.  I've
found that the notes portion of the event when entered into Legacy
help build sort of a narrative in combination with the description,
data, and location fields at the top.  When uploaded to Ancestry.com
(for example) the description, date and location stick with the event,
but the text in the notes are added as an unsourced citation.  Not
what I want or expected to happen.  I'm not clear if that is a problem
with the Legacy export (I'm thinking it is, because I can edit the
gedcom moving NOTE tags to CONC tags instead and I get the results I'd
expect), or Ancestry import.  I'm also not sure if the same would hold
true for importing into some other application.  If interested, my
gedcom macros are on my blog.

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 11:58 AM, Reba Solomon <theshvi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> When I add an event, will it appear correctly when opening a Gedcom file?
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James Cook

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