On 2/9/2011 6:49 AM, Dennis M. Kowallek wrote:
> On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 22:48:25 -0600, Laird<lftu...@bayleenet.net>  wrote:
>> Maybe tblXI is for RINs that been used and then
>> deleted?
> Have you tried turning off "Reuse abandoned RINS" and then turning it
> back on to see if things sync back up?

column 1   | column 2    | column 3 | column 4 | column 5 | column 6
LTOOLS     |   LEGACY    | LEGACY,  | Calc     | LTOOLS   | LTOOLS tlbXI
RIN count  |   Legacy #  | highest  | unused   | tlbXI    | After Reuse
tlbIR,IDIR | individuals |   RIN    |  RINs    | count    | RINs enabled
[1] 19134  |  19133      |  26944   |  7811    | 7303     |  7303
[2] 19134  |  19133      |  26944   |  7811    | 7303     |  500

[3] 12971  |  12970      |  13978   |  1008    | 496      |  496
[4] 13068  |  13067      |  15096   |  2029    | ---      |  500
[5] 13068  |  13067      |  15096   |  2029    | 500      |  500

[6] 13068  |  13067      |  15096   |  2029    | 500      |  500
[7] 13068  |  13067      |  15096   |  2029    | 500      |  500

(GP) General procedure:
Step 1:  Open file and read col. 1 and 5 with Ltools, close file.
Step 2.  Open file with Legacy, enable Reuse abandoned RINs, read col. 2 and 3
then disable Reuse RINs and close file.
Step 3.  Open file in Ltools and read col. 5.

Following data is for file # 5, where the numbers were close to correct.
[1] 8-Feb-2011:  General procedure above.

[2] 9-Feb-2011:  GP Step 1 above.  Then open in Legacy and leave Reuse abandoned
RINs enabled then close file.  Do step 3.  Table tblXI changed from 7303 to 500.

Note:  File 5 was originally from a unzipped version of a file backed up using
File>Backup Family File from last Aug 2010, it had been modified in November to
add 6163 individuals for some import testing I had done.  RINs for the original
12,970 individuals were from, 1 to 13,978. The 6,163 import RINs were in the
range of 13,979 to 26944.

[3] 9-Feb-2011:  I restored the original Backup file 5 with Unzip (called it
file 5-2) and did Step 1, tblXI=496.  Next I opened it in Legacy and noticed
Reuse abandoned RINs was already enabled.  My normal settings are disabled but I
don't know for a fact I didn't have it enabled back in August.  I read the
individual and max RIN counts and closed the file.  Next I did step 3 tbl = 496,
no change.

[4] 9-Feb-2011:  Next I imported 97 individuals into file 5-2 with Reuse
abandoned RINs disabled.  This will be called file 5-3.  The RINs and MRINs were
set to begin at 15,000.  Read col2 and col3 then without closing the file in
Legacy I read the tables with Ltools.  tblXI = 500 and tblXM = 500, closed the
file in Ltools.

[5] 9-Feb-2011:  With Reuse abandoned RINs still disabled, I closed file 5-3 in
Legacy.  Next I read tblXI = 500 and tblXM = 500 with Ltools.

[6] 9-Feb-2011:  Opened the file-3 in Legacy and enabled Reuse abandoned RINs.
Didn't close the file in Legacy.  Oened in Ltools and read the tables, no 

[7] 9-Feb-2011:  From [6] > close file 5-3 in Legacy, read the tables in
Ltools.  No changes.

[8] 9-Feb-2011:  Open the file 5-3 in Legacy, leave Reuse abandoned RINs
enabled.  Delete two children from MRIN 15039 (RINs 15085 and 15086) and
husband RIN 15084. next open the file in Ltools, tblXI count = 503 and the three
deleted RINs are listed.  TblXM count = 501 and MRIN 15039 is listed.  Cool.
Close file in Ltools.  Disable Reuse abandoned RINs and close file in Legacy.
Read tables in Ltools, tblXI = 500 and tblXM=500.

Seems to me that tblXI only contains deleted RINs and not unused RINS.

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