You can find out who has a particular Tag by using Search>Find>Tag No., but
I think you probably know that. To untag. say Tag3, right click on the Tag
indicators in Family View, and on the new screen set the Tag number to 3 in
the box on the top right. Then check the radio button "Untag" and click the
"Everyone" button. Job done.

Ron Ferguson

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 4:36 PM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Tagging

I'm venturing into the option of TAGGING. A little background in my doing

I have been adding photos and documents/files (probably erroneously-but with
the volume already added a little too late to change my methodology now!)
via the Picture Gallery PICTURE or FILE links. I now want to be able to fish
these individuals out of the total populace of the database. Tagging seems
the way to do it.

I understand, and have tagged a dozen or so test individuals. I have added
TAG1 - Obituary/death notice; TAG2 -tombstone photos, TAG3 - individual

Quite by accident in trying to search them out I found in the SEARCH-FIND
parameter that sometime in the past I must have played around with tagging
and have some of these same individuals with TAGS greater than the 3 I've
just assigned.

How can I find out what these old tags referred to and UNtag them? All I
find in the HELP file was information on how to associate a TAG to
individuals, not disassociate a TAG from an individual!


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