Legacy version on WinXP and on Vista 64.

I didn't find anything in the archives or help file about this.  I have a
problem with the sequence of the TOC/chapters in Reports>Books/Other>Publishing
Center.  I see this problem with Ancestor, Descendant and Multiple Lines of
Descent Chapters, I haven't tested Descendant Narrative but feel it has the same
Under the Additional Tab I have a Title Page, Copyright Notice Page, Dedication
Page, Preface Page, Table Of Contents and an Index selected.  Under the Contents
Tab I can have as few as one Ancestor Chapter or up to a mixture of ten
chapters, all with the same problem.  On the same screen with the Contents,
Additional tabs, in the upper right hand corner is the "Print" button.  First I
did the Printer Setup with an Epson printer with PRINTER PREVIEW turned, so I
can see the result before I commit to printing on paper.
The items which should be at the front of the book, (Title Page through Table of
Contents) are at the end after the index.
Using an alternate method to print:  Select the Legacy Preview button in the
upper right of screen,  then on the Legacy Print Preview screen in the upper
right of the screen down about 6 buttons is the Print: selection of All Pages,
Range and This Page.  I select All Pages and the output result is exactly what
you would expect with the (Title Page through Table of Contents) at the front.

Can anyone duplicate this?
Thanks, Laird

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