On 21/08/2011 21:53, Olwyn Bourne wrote:
> Do you use any OCR software?  If yes,what is it? Whatever you use is what I 
> will use (you can email directly).

I am not Geoff (in case you hadn't noticed!!) but I find ABBYY
Screenshot Reader (which I think might have been recommended by a LUGger
- many thanks) very useful for quickly copying text from web pages to
Legacy.  So useful, in fact, that I was prepared to pay for it!  By
chance, it happens to be the free version of ABBYY OCR software which
came with my scanner and I use that for documents.

I also find FreeClip (which I have recommended here before) a real
timesaver.  I have lots of little chunks of text that I use frequently
(such as Census dates, templates for entering info from Certificates &
Registers, the numbers & titles of oft-cited FHL films) stored in
FreeClip and paste them into the relevant fields in Legacy as the need

Jenny M Benson

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