On 2011/09/01 13:29, car...@gmail.com wrote:
> Start->run-> type "cmd" no quotes.
> Screen shots still work... press the ALT button and the PrtScr button at the
> same time. This will capture the screen as an image to your clipboard. You 
> will
> have to paste it to a document to print it.

This works for only the visible portion of the screen. Where the amount of data
to be captured in this fashion exceeds the number of lines on the screen, an
alternative method is required. This involves Redirection (and possibly Piping)
where the output of a command is redirected to a file. Dennis Kowallek gave the
example of how to redirect the output of a simple command to a text file.

C:\> dir *.* > list.txt

Here, the screen output from the 'dir' command is redirected (by way of the >
symbol) into the text file named list.txt

Mike Fry

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