Jenny, thanks -I'm sure you are correct;  nice people have explained how
to tag all of the tree on one side - eg cousin x wants a copy of 'their'
part of the tree;  It is also very useful to be able to print out whole
(not just direct ancestor)  trees, both for myself and for stray
relatives who ask.

I use the graphical program, GenoPro, for visual trees (I have different
branches on different Excel-type tabbed pages, hyperlinked as
appropriate), and just print to Acrobat;  instant!  But it would be nice
to print out reports from Legacy from time to time (tagging appropriate

Please don't spend ages on this.  I have a method which works well;  I
am interested in researching my family, not getting a PhD in using
Legacy!!! The user group is very helpful, but it does seem to me
sometimes that using Legacy becomes almost an end in itself, rather than
a useful tool for recording genealogy.

I await appalled replies....

On 10/10/2011 18:01, Jenny M Benson wrote:
> On 10/10/2011 17:50, Joan Kemp wrote:
>> I'm sure I'm missing something, but I've never found the tagging
>> function in Legacy very useful - it either tags all sorts of things I
>> don't want or not all the things I do want....
> It rather sounds as though it is your search/selection strategies which
> are failing, rather than the tagging system.
> If you would like to give us some examples of tagging "going wrong" we
> could see if we can point you in the right direction.

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