Thank you Jenny for your response which certainly helps. My greatest concern 
was focusing on the "Source" from which I received the information. One 
"Source" being an individual who privately held a Certificate (Which may or may 
not have been supplied by the local office of origination) even though she 
definitely was a participant in the event (marriage); and the second "Source" 
being the County Clerk of Origination where a record of the event is maintained.

Based upon your recommendation, it would appear that the Individual  in 
possession of the "Certificate" would be regarded as a "Repository," and the 
County Clerk from whom I received a photocopy would be regarded as another 

Am I understanding your response correctly?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jenny M Benson []
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 5:40 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Artifact vs Recorded Legal Certificates

On 28/10/2011 02:40, Charles Apple wrote:
> The marriage certificate was of her own marriage, and at this point I
> can only assume (which I don't like do) that she and her husband
> received it from the same place they were married. The photocopy that
> I received from the County Clerk's Office appears to be identical as
> to her own marriage certificate, however, I would like to record each
> as separate source.  Additionally, there were other birth and marriage
> certificates for her mother and father (both now deceased) and I have
> not had the opportunity to verify the information in those
> certificates with those of the County Clerk or State Vital Statistics
> Office.

I think the situation is a little different here in the UK because the only way 
you get information from "the Authority" (which would be General Register 
Office or the local Register Office where event took
place) would be in the form of a Certificate.

If I am in possession of an original Certificate (and by "original" I mean one 
issued by the GRO or a local RO, rather than a photocopy) then I use the SW 
template for Certificates, regardless of whether it was me that obtained the 
Cert from the authority or someone else who gave it to me.  If someone else 
holds the Cert but gives me a photocopy then I still use the same template but 
record in the Comments that it is a photocopy of an original held by X.

In your situation I would do much the same:  use the Marriage Records - Found 
in Governmental Records template, attach a copy of the photocopy you have and 
record in the Comments that the information actually came from 2 sources.
Jenny M Benson

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