Wow!  In the past, I have printed this sort of thing, as well as put it into a
.txt file (to be pasted later).  Then I figure out what all information for whom
is included, then set up a source (using clipboard), paste all this into the
source "Text", then enter data for individuals and apply source citations.  That
usually means I don't enter all of this directly into Legacy as soon as I find
it.  I think if I were to copy & paste it immediately directly in, I would set
up a To Do item for the person whose will it is (that's the first bit of info),
and indicate I need to look at the whole thing and update all individuals
involved.  I mean, if I have time right then to set up To Do items for each
person named, then I have time to set up the source and enter the data.  I just
like the hardcopy so I can write notes; it's a learning mechanism thing for me.
 However, my method means the information doesn't show up on reports until I get
it all into the appropriate events (but also, I don't have the sources listed
right there with the facts... they are at the end).

That said, previous discussions here have mentioned how people have events
called "Will" (for the deceased, usually includes transcript and/or image of
will) or "Bequeathed" (for the others mentioned).  Or even using this as a
source on the Father-Child relationship.  I think that most people here would
not leave this sort of information in Research Notes.  These notes represent
results of your research... facts about the individuals.  I would enter them as
events and cite the sources... as soon as you have time to do so.
 --Paula in Texas
Researching:  Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton Chapman
Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline Field
Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon Gump **Hale (wonder if mine are also from
Canada?) Harbaugh Hind Hopkins Hughes Hurdle Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald
Misner Passwaters Pelton Roberts Roche Ryburn Short Singer Sullivan Weller

From: Marli Yoder <>
Sent: Tue, November 8, 2011 1:11:21 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] How do you all use the resource notes

Paula, this is just part of one of my research notes on my Isaac Ketchum line.
They are cut & past threads so I have where I found them (if possible). Short of
printing everything in this note.,I think I would put the Probate part into
events, (probate) and into each individual named (I love clipboard!!). I
highlighted my direct line person. The other thing I've thought about is using
"Name"  event for the rest of the family with a "Probate of Isaac Ketchum Will"
in the description.  This makes more sense to me than where it is now in the
General notes

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  <<Thread • Previous • Next • Thread>>
 Re: John W. Ketchum & family
  Author: Susan Wyllie  Date: 2 Mar 2002 3:40 AM GMT
  Surnames: Ketchum
  Classification: Query
  In Reply to: Re: Charles Ketchum  by:  Marli Yoder
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I just found the will of John's father in "Early New Brunswick Probate Records"
by R. Wallace Hale:
Isaac KETCHUM parish of Norton, Kings Co., NB Esquire. Will dated Nov. 10, 1819
and proved March 23, 1820.
All land in the parish of Norton to be sold and the proceeds divided among son
John W. Ketchum, daughter Charlotte Snider, son Isaac Ketchum, daughter Clarissa
Ketchum, daughter Mary Ann Ketchum, son Edwin Ketchum, daughter Jane Ketchum,
and daughter Susan Mariah Ketchum, the several sums to be left in the hands of
my executors to be given to the children as they shall think proper, except the
parts to John W. Ketchum and Charlotte Snider which will be given as soon as
All household property to be divided among my four youngest daughters. Should my
wife Betsey Ketchum survive me, my executors to provide all things for her
comfort for life. Son Edwin Ketchum my watch. Son Isaac Ketchum and daughter
Clarissa Ketchum executors. Witnesses: Edmund D. Sharland, William Miller,
Johnson H. Crawford.
Inventory, dated March  21, 1820, valued at 882 pounds.
I found Isaac Ketchum's name in "The New Loyalist Index", Volume 1:
Isaac Ketchum, 200 acre grant #34 in Norton, Kings Co., NB
There's a long list of Ketchum's in the Loyalist book who all settled in Norton
-- Daniel, Isaac, Jed, Jonathan, Samuel, Thomas and William.
I haven't been able to find out anything more on Sophia.
 After their marriage they lived in Huntington, Long Island, New York, but later
probably went to New Brunswick with their son. "Loyalists of the American
Revolution" by Lorenzo Sabine 1864


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